GOD That’s F**cked Up
The Story of my Life from a Seated Perspective
Author: Johnnie Williams
Can One be Remorseful About Living?
Author shares a straightforward and unpretentious yet touching memoir
Life sometimes can be difficult to maneuver and understand, but it is still and always will be worth living. But at some points in his life, author Johnnie Williams has swerved out of the way and resented life and everything that it represents. This is the story of his life from a seated perspective. God That’s F**ked Up is his way of sharing to the world that though life has put him down and dragged him down several times, and he has succumbed to it several times as well, he was able to survive it, overcome it, and lived through it.
In life, the choices people make determine their levels of success or regret. But who would regret their success? Who would want to struggle? What if those struggles were needed to help in revealing a person’s character and what they thought of as weaknesses turned out to be their greatest strengths?
He had so many questions, and over time, he has realized that asking questions will not only get him answers but will also lead to more questions. And if one doesn’t know when to stop asking questions, then the answers cease to be of use, and when the answers aren’t useful, one stops asking questions. The author has never been normal or average. He’s a mystery, a conundrum, a 1,000-piece puzzle with a single piece missing. The missing piece used to change every day, but over time, it became clear that his missing piece was indeed a “missing peace” and that he would need God’s help and plenty of heart to fight his way through numerous battles, facing more than his fair share of adversities.
In the years since his recovery from his accident, the author has done some great things and had a lot of fun despite his handicaps, but he has also done some things that after really thinking about them, even he knew it was kind of f**ked up. Even though he’s confined to this chair and in his head, he managed to get plenty done, usually going above and beyond expectations while simultaneously falling short of the ones he of himself.
Although a lot of heartbreak and hardships have taken place in his life, his story ain’t no tragedy.
This book is available online and can be purchased at online bookstores: www.writersrepublic.com, www.amazon.com, and www.barnesandnoble.com.